INACH (Project coordinator)
The International Network Against Cyber Hate, INACH, is uniting civil society organizations all over Europe and beyond since 2002 in their collective fight for human rights online. With project Re-ACT, this unique network of anti-discrimination organizations continues its efforts in strengthening transnational co-operation against hate online by providing its collaborators with a solid collection of methods, tools and materials for education and prevention measures.
Location: Amsterdam

ROMEA (Project partner)
ROMEA is a Czech non-governmental organization with a long history of working in the area of media literacy particularly in relation to understanding the content related to discrimination, hate, and fake news. By bringing in special knowledge and expertise on researching and analyzing antigypsyism, ROMEA is in charge of designing the methodology and implementation of research and will contribute to the development of dissemination and educational materials.
Location: Prague

LICRA (Project partner)
The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism, LICRA, based in France, is one of the oldest international non-governmental organizations fighting racism, antisemitism and discrimination. In project Re-ACT, LICRA is overseeing the research activities and production of analytical papers, factsheets and information materials for the projects target audience and public outreach activities.
Location: Paris

SYNYO (Project partner)
The research company SYNYO has been acting as a reliable coordinator and partner in several EU-funded projects and has a strong record of experience in empirical research, requirements analysis and dissemination as well as in developing highly intuitive knowledge, information and collaboration platforms. The core activity of SYNYO in Re-ACT will be the development and design of the prevention hub.
Location: Vienna